Post installation steps

The following installation steps are required and should be done after executing the installation via

Step 1: Create additional GitLab CI variables

For finalizing the installation additional GitLab CI variables have to be created:

  • Open GitLab and login as root (admin) user
  • Open group managed-solutions
  • Switch to Settings -> CI/CD
  • Expand Variables
  • Create new Variable with key ADO_ENVIRONMENT_CLIENT

    the needed value can be found in the created k8s secret auto-devops-pipeline-client (

    oc -n ${CPD} get secret auto-devops-pipeline-client -o jsonpath='{.data.client\.id}' | base64 -d
    Note: The environment variable ${CPD} refers to the namespace where cpd (and the Solution Hub) was installed.
  • Create new Variable with key ADO_ENVIRONMENT_CLIENT_SECRET

    the needed value can be found in the created k8s secret auto-devops-pipeline-client (client.secret)

    oc -n ${CPD} get secret auto-devops-pipeline-client -o jsonpath='{.data.client\.secret}' | base64 -d
    Note: The environment variable ${CPD} refers to the namespace where cpd (and the Solution Hub) was installed.
  • Create new Variable with key ADO_CONFIG_MANAGEMENT_INTERNAL_COMMUNICATION and value false

Step 2: Retag images for solution pipeline

For finalizing the installation two docker image have to be retagged and also be provided in another version:

  • Retag existing ubi8-node image

    oc project ${CPD}
    oc tag ubi8-node:build_85761 ubi8-node:build_83633
  • Retag existing knowis-jcn-util image

    oc project ${CPD}
    oc tag knowis-jcn-util:build_85667 knowis-jcn-util:build_83460
  • Check if job create-pipeline-client-job-* has completed, if not restart the job manually

    oc -n ${CPD} get job | grep create-pipeline-client-job
Note: The environment variable ${CPD} refers to the namespace where cpd (and the Solution Hub) was installed.