Build and Deploy

Get a insight how the solution gets tested, built and deplpyed and the configuration option of the pipeline.

Gitlab CE is used for the ssob-sdo pipeline. The pipeline creates all needed files, docker images, helm charts to deploy, test and run a solution into one or more Solution Enoys.


During installation process, two groups are created in GitLab.

  • managed-solutions
  • system

    Group managed solutions

    Each solution created within the Solution Designer will lead to one git project in the managed-solutions group. In Settings -> CI/CD all variables needed for the pipeline configration can be found. The CI/CD variables are created/updated during the installation process of ssob-sdo helm chart.

    Group system

    The system group contains the project pripeline-fragments. This project defines the stages and steps of the pipeline. New stages (for deploying additional Solution Enoys) can be configured in this GitLab project (see pipeline configuration).