Post install configuration
The following described configuration should be done manually after the GitLab installation. Step 1 and Step 2 can either be done before or after the installation of the FSW components.
Step 1: GitLab omni auth oauth2 configuration
For using Keycloak as identity provider for GitLab authorization the following steps are necessary:
Create a Keycloak client for GitLab omni auth config
For the omni auth configuration of GitLab a new Keycloak client with name
has to be created. The following options have to
be set:
- Standard Flow Enabled:
- Implicit Flow Enabled:
- Direct Access Grants Enabled:
- Service Accounts Enabled:
- Authorization Enabled:
- Valid Redirect URIs:
- Web Origins :
Please ensure that there is a Token mapper of type User Property
in place that places the
username property as a claim named username
in the JWT token.
Create omni auth config secret
The following steps show how to enable the OAuth authorization using Keycloak as identity provider:
Define the configuration of the OAuth authorization and save it in an environment variable:
OMNI_AUTH_CFG="name: 'oauth2_generic' app_id: 'gitlab-client' app_secret: '<KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET of the GitLab-client>' args: client_options: site: 'https://<KEYCLOAK_HOST>' user_info_url: '/auth/realms/<KEYCLOAK_REALM>/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo' authorize_url: '/auth/realms/<KEYCLOAK_REALM>/protocol/openid-connect/auth' token_url: '/auth/realms/<KEYCLOAK_REALM>/protocol/openid-connect/token' user_response_structure: id_path: 'sub' attributes: name: 'name' email: 'email' nickname: 'username' first_name: 'given_name' last_name: 'family_name'"
Create a secret containing the omni-auth config. The secret must be named
and should contain on key namedprovider
with the previously created content.oc create secret generic -n "${GITLAB_NAMESPACE}" \ "gitlab-config-omniauth-oauth2" --type="Opaque" \ --from-literal="provider"="${OMNI_AUTH_CFG}"
Configure the GitLab to honour the additional provider. This can be done via specifying the parameters in the GitLab helm charts. For further information please see the official GitLab documentation.
global: appConfig: omniauth: allowBypassTwoFactor: [] allowSingleSignOn: - oauth2_generic autoLinkLdapUser: false autoLinkSamlUser: false autoSignInWithProvider: null blockAutoCreatedUsers: false enabled: true externalProviders: [] providers: - secret: gitlab-config-omniauth-oauth2 key: provider syncProfileAttributes: - email syncProfileFromProvider: []
refers to the namespace, where GitLab was installed.Step 2: Create an additional GitLab runner image pull secret
Create the imagePullSecret
The GitLab runner needs a specific image pull secret for pulling
the pipeline related images. For that a secret named
has to be created. This secret must contain
the .dockercfg
for the used docker registry (usually the internal
OpenShift docker registry).
for the internal registry can be found and copied from an already existing dockercfg secrets in the cpd namespace. The best natural match is the dockercfg of the serviceaccountcpd-viewer-sa
:SECRET_NAME=$(oc -n ${CPD} get sa cpd-viewer-sa -o jsonpath='{.imagePullSecrets[0].name}') DOCKER_CFG=$(oc get secret -n "${CPD}" "${SECRET_NAME}" -o jsonpath='{.data.\.dockercfg}' | base64 -d)
- The following comand can be used to create this secret:
oc create secret \ generic -n "${GITLAB_NAMESPACE}" "runner-dockercfg-secret" \ --type="" \ --from-literal=".dockercfg"="${DOCKER_CFG}"
refers to the namespace, where GitLab was installed.${CPD}
refers to the namespace, where cpd (and the Solution Hub) was installed.Assign the secret to the serviceaccount
After you created the secret, please map the secret to the serviceaccount, that is used in the pipelinesteps.
This can be done via specifying the parameters in the GitLab helm charts. For further information please see the official GitLab documentation.
install: true
create: false
serviceAccountName: gitlab-runner
cacheShared: true
cacheType: s3
s3BucketLocation: us-east-1
s3BucketName: runner-cache
s3CacheInsecure: false
s3CachePath: gitlab-runner
locked: false
serviceAccountName: gitlab-runner
- runner-dockercfg-secret
Step 3: Create minio bucket for the solution helm charts
The solution pipeline (step publish-helm-chart
uses a specific bucket in the minio service to save the helm charts of the created solutions.
The name of the bucket must fit with the configured bucket name in the
Helm Repository Configuration
(see variable s3.bucketName
, default value: helm-charts-default
Please open your installed minio service.
Create a new bucket with the according name (e.g.
Step 4: Create a GitLab user for a specific service-account
This step might not be necessary on older GitLab versions, where an email address is assigned automatically to new users
- Login in into the GitLab with user
or any other administrative user - Navigate to the
Admin area
- Add a new user by clicking
New user
- Create a user with
- Name:
- Username:
- Email:
- Name:
- Create user
- After creating the user, please edit it and assign an identity to it.
- On the user's detail page, navigate to
- Click on
New identity
- Add a new identity, where the provider points to
and the identifier refers to the Keycloak given id of this serviceaccount (clientauto-devops-solution-controller-callback-client
). - Save changes
. In the url of your browser, there is then included
the id.Step 4: Configure users and the configuration management
The following configurations have to be done before the product is ready to use:
- Creating an user to login into the components (see User Configuration)
Configuration of the pipeline in the configuration management (see
Pipeline Configuration). At least adjust the setting of
to match the namespace of your created Solution Envoy. - Configuration of cluster wide resources in the configuration management (see Cluster wide configuration). Please ensure that you provide valid configurations for the helm repository and docker registry.
- Configuration of the envoy in the configuration management (see Solution Envoy configuration). Please ensure that you register the envoy, add a deploy target configuration and a solution default configuration.