Red Hat Integration - Service Registry Operator

Note: To complete this task, you must be a cluster administrator.

Install the Red Hat Integration - Service Registry Operator from the OperatorHub

Attention: To complete this task a user in the cluster admin role is required.

As a cluster administrator, install the Red Hat Integration - Service Registry Operator from the OperatorHub to the namespace foundation as follows:

  1. Navigate in the OpenShift Web Console to the Operators → OperatorHub page

  2. Filter by keyword: Service Registry

  3. Select the operator: Red Hat Integration - Service Registry Operator provided by Red Hat

  4. Read the information about the operator and click Install

  5. On the Create Operator Subscription page:

    • Select an update channel (if more than one is available)

    • Select option All namespaces on the cluster (default)

    • Select Automatic approval strategy

    • Click Install

  6. After the subscription's upgrade status is up to date, navigate in the web console to the Operators → Installed Operators page

Note: See OpenShift documentation on adding operators to a cluster ( OpenShift 4.12) for further information on how to install an operator from the OperatorHub.

Create the Apicurio Registry instance

Create the ApicurioRegistry CRD instance in the namespace foundation as follows:

  1. Navigate in the OpenShift Web Console to the Operators → Installed Operators page

  2. Select the Red Hat Integration - Service Registry Operator

  3. Navigate to the Apicurio Registry tab of the Operators → Operator Details page

  4. Click Create ApicurioRegistry

  5. Verify that in the Apicurio Registry tab the newly created apicurio CRD instance is displayed.

Example Apicurio Registry Configuration

kind: ApicurioRegistry
  name: apicurio
  namespace: foundation
    persistence: sql
        apiClientId: registry-api
        realm: foundation
        uiClientId: apicurio-registry
        url: ''
        password: myPassword
        url: >-
        userName: userJ2T
      readOnly: false

Configure compatability rule

Please configure the compatability rule in order to avoid a known bug as Apicurio cannot handle event evolution with compatibility rules enabled.

  1. Login into Apicurio

  2. Go to Global rules

  3. Set Compatibility rule to None