Build & deploy

Get an insight on how to build and deploy a service project on various deployment targets.

OpenShift Pipelines (based on Tekton) are used as base technology for realizing pipelines, that build code into container images and also build the component. The k5-pipeline-manager, which is deployed in the namespace of the Solution Hub, provides the needed pipeline definitions and pipeline tasks. The pipeline manager is used by Solution Designer for creating new project pipelines and triggering them. If a new pipeline is created, the pipeline manager creates a new pipeline and additionally, all needed pipeline resources to run the pipeline for a specific project. The project pipeline will create all necessary files, container images and Helm charts to deploy, test and run a project in a k5-project. Each project pipeline is responsible for building exactly one project into a component.

Overview CI/CD

What is CI/CD ?

  • CI = Continuous Integration (practices around build- and test automation)

  • CD = Continuous Delivery (practices around delivery automation in different environments)

CI/CD page

Solution Designer offers several tools to manage all your pipeline configurations from within the CI/CD capability that can be found on the navigation bar on the left. The CI/CD page is separated in the following tabs:

  • Pipeline configurations

  • Pipeline runs

Pipeline configurations tab

The pipeline configurations tab shows a list of all pipelines configured for this service project. The table also provides information on the pipeline (incl. a link to the OpenShift Web Console), the pipeline type (release or deploy), the linked name of the project, the linked name of the last pipeline run, as well as the last run status and the last run time.

Each row consists of one pipeline configuration and provides the following inline capabilities:

  • Info button: opens the "Details" view of that configuration

  • Edit button: opens an action to edit the feature flags of the pipeline configuration

  • Run button: triggers the pipeline

  • Delete button: deletes the pipeline configuration

Pipeline runs tab

The pipeline runs tab shows a list of all pipeline runs related with this service project. It provides the following information:

  • Name of the pipeline run (with link to OpenShift Web Console)

  • Name of the project (with link to OpenShift Web Console)

  • Time started

  • Run status

  • Task status

  • Duration

  • Name of the pipeline (with link to OpenShift Web Console) - this column is not visible by default

Note: The links to the OpenShift Web Console direct to the respective sub-page and require authentication.