Domain Errors

The errors reflect business errors and not technical. This means that the only when a business condition is not satisfied, then a business error is thrown to inform the end user about the case that was not met. Errors are created by using the Create capability in the errors overview page or when editing commands and services (see Editing a command and Editing a service).

Creating an error

Errors are defined using the following master data:

Property Description
Local identifier

This is the identifier (name) of the error. It is unique within a namespace. Please note that only the characters A-z (without special characters), digits and the special character "_" are permitted for naming errors! Furthermore, names may not begin with a digit and the first character must be uppercase. The local identifier can not be changed after creation.

This field is mandatory.

Error message

This is a short message that will be used to inform the user about the business condition that is not satisfied.

This field is mandatory.

Error description

This is used to give a longer description of the error that occured.

This field is optional.

Editing an Error

You edit the master data of an error by using the Information capability and navigating to the section Master data and using the Edit master data capability or by using the inline or header Edit capability. Alternatively, you can use the inline or header capability Edit. Furthermore, it is possible to navigate to the instance page of an error by clicking on the local identifier link on the error overview page and edit the master data by using the Details View capability. For a description of the master data, see the section Managing Errors. The local identifier cannot be changed. When editing the master data of an error, you can overwrite the values for error message and error description. The overwritten values are lost as soon as the editing action has been completed.

Deleting an Error

You can delete an error by using the inline or header Delete capability in the errors’ overview page. Alternativerly, you can use the Information capability to access the details view and there you can use the Delete capability.

You will need to confirm the action before the selected error is permanately deleted.

Attention: You can only delete an error if it is not in use. You can check the usages of an error by using the Information capability and navigating the Usages section.