Integration Namespaces

Within an integration namespace, APIs (provided by other solutions in the Solution Designer or external APIs) can be made usable. An integration namespace supports the Business Analyst and the Solution Developer to call operations of the referenced API and to map the response to the ubiquitous language of the solution.

After providing the OpenAPI specification (as JSON or YAML), the platform will create a type-safe interface for the operations defined in the OpenAPI specification. This allows developers to program against the API as if it was a service locally defined in the solution. In addition, the platform abstracts common components such as API URL, path-, query- and header-parameters away, so that the developer only needs to provide the parameter values and (optionally) a request body in order to invoke the operation

To use the operations, a REST-integration service and its related input- and output-eEntities must be modeled in the integration namespace. Inside the service, the developer can call the operations, the mapping from the input-entity to the parameters or request bodies as well as from the response to the output-entity of a service.

The entities in the integration namespace can be used as ‘known-entity’ of an external entity in the domain namespace.

Create Integration Namespaces

To create an integration namespace, use the Create capability in the integration namespaces Overview section.

An integration namespace is defined by the following master data:

Field Name Description

This is the prefix of the namespace. It is unique within a solution. Please note that only the characters A-z (without special characters), digits and the special character "_" are permitted for a prefix! Furthermore, prefixes may not begin with a digit and the first character must be lowercase. A prefix can not consist more than 6 characters. The prefix cannot be changed after creation.

This field is mandatory.


This is used to give a short description of the integration namespace and its lifecycle.

This field is mandatory.


This is long the description of the integration namespace and its lifecycle.

This field is optional.

You can also use the Open after creation checkbox to open the integration namespace for further editing after saving.

Edit Integration Namespaces

To edit the master data of an integration namespace, navigate to the Namespace Details view of the integration namespace that is accessible by clicking on the namespace itself from the integration namespace overview page. By navigating to the Master data section and by using the Edit master data capability, you can adjust the "Label” and "Description". You can confirm your entry by using the Save capability.

Delete Integration Namespaces

You can delete an integration namespace by navigating to the Details view by clicking on the namespace card and using the Delete capability.

You cannot delete an integration namespace if:
  1. In a different namespace, a property definition uses an entity of the current namespace as a range.
  2. In a different namespace, a property association uses an entity of the current namespace as a range restriction.
  3. An entity of the current namespace is used as a parent in a different namespace
  4. An error of the current namespace is used in a service or command in a different namespace.
  5. In a different namespace, a service or a command uses as input/output/payload an entity of the current namespace
  6. An entity from an integration namespace is used as a known entity (in an external entity) in the domain layer.

You will need to confirm the action before the selected command is permanately deleted..

Attention: You can only delete a namespace if artifacts that belong to the namespace are not in use.