Access API bindings
API bindings are externalized specifications created per API dependency. They can be used to store API-related configuration information, that may be stage-dependent.
API bindings are typically used to store, e.g.
... for the 3rd party service you want to access.
Example binding:
"url": ""
Dev-Bindings provide an easy way to specify some default values, which are easily accessible on all non-production stages. They are meant to be used for rapid development to avoid long and extensive configuration outside of the project.
DEV-Binding can be created and speciified inside the Solution. To do so, you go to the Integration Namespace you want ot use for interacting with this API (or create a new namespace) and create an API dependency. There you will find an input field where you can place your information as JSON formatted key/value pairs.
Porgrammatically access the binding
Now that you created an API dependency for this namespace with an API dependency attached to it, you have access to this information while implementing this namespace. After you deployed your solution to a project you can log in to this project with the Solution CLI. The SDK now provides you with the information by calling
// load the bindings
const mybindings = await this.apiBindings.<name-of-the-api-dependency>();
// load binding value
const url = mybindings.url;
inside an implementation file (e.g. of a service) inside that Integration Namespace. This would assign the
to url
Currently, only the following default parameters can be accessed with this syntax:
If you want to use custom parameters, you can access them as follows:
const myparam = mybindings['myparam'];