Implement domain command
Command base
For each root entity there will be an abstract class Command Base generated in the SDK.
The Command Base provides access to the repository, the entity builder, the event builder and the event producer.
The Command Base contains abstract methods, one method for each modelled command.
These Commands method needs to be implemented in the generated implementation file for the Root Entity Commands.
Command inheritance
Command inheritance is supported, Root Entity
will inherit its parent(s) commands.
By default, if your root entity inherits commands from parent entities, By default the generated abstract command class will call these parent command(s) directly.
In the command generated stub, user would have the possibility to either
Override the implementation of these command(s) that are coming from its parent(s).
Don't override the implementation by deleting that command stub method / calling the parent implementation via super key word.
Factory and instance commands
Factory commands will return Root Entity as a return type, Instance commands always return void.
Factory commands take an Input Entity as the only parameter, if they have been modelled with one.
Instance commands take an instance of Root Entity as the first parameter named instance and an Input Entity if they have been modelled with one.
Instance commands operate against the root entity instance that is passed to it.
Business errors
If a command is modelled with business errors, it will be added as method throws declaration.
If a root entity command is modelled with business events, for each event there will be an inherited method in the Command Base class that takes the event as an input and publishes it.
It is also possible to publish events directly using EventProducerService.
Implementation Example
Example of root entity command implementation file.
Root Entity Card has a factory command createCreditCard and an instance command activateCreditCard.
//... imports
import myproj.sdk.domain.schemas.SchemaGroup.BalanceCheckedSchema;
public class CardCommand extends CardCommandBase {
private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CardCommand.class);
public CardCommand(DomainEntityBuilder entityBuilder, DomainEventBuilder eventBuilder, EventProducerService eventProducer, Repository repo) {
super(entityBuilder, eventBuilder, eventProducer, repo);
// Example of a factory command named createCreditCard that takes CreditCard as an input entity
public Card createCreditCard(CreditCard creditCard) throws CreditCardCreationError {"CardCommands.createCreditCard()");
// Use Domain Entity Builder from base class to create an instance of root entity
Card cardRootEntity = this.entityBuilder.getCc().getCard().build();
// Use card details data from the input entity
// If an Exception occurred while saving the new card, catch and throw relevant business error
try {
cardRootEntity = this.repo.getCc().getCard().save(cardRootEntity);
} catch(Exception e) {
log.error("Could not create a new credit card", e);
String errorMessage = String.format("Credit card creation failure, %s" , e.getMessag());
throw new CreditCardCreationError(errorMessage);
}"Saved a new Credit Card Root Entity with Id {}", cardRootEntity.getId());
// Publish event, if the event is using a schema from the schema registry as payload
BalanceCheckedEvent schemaEvent = this.eventBuilder.getCc().getBalanceCheckedEvent().build();
// Create the payload for the event
BalanceCheckedSchema schema = new BalanceCheckedSchema();
// Publish the event
* Create an event and set payload entity, if the event is using an entity as payload
* only available for event support 1.0
* @deprecated use schemas from the schema registry instead
CreditCardCreated event = this.eventBuilder.getCc().getCreditCardCreated().build();
// Pusblish event using base class inherited method
this.publishCreditCardCreated(event);"Published New Credit Card Event Successfully");
return cardRootEntity;
// Example of an instance named activateCreditCard that takes only the Card root entity.
public void activateCreditCard(Card instance) {"CardCommands.activateCreditCard()");
// Activate Card
// Update root entity
this.repo.getCc().getCard().save(instance);"Activated Card with Id {}", instance.getId());
// Example of calling inherited command from parent and not overriding its implementation.
public void deleteCard(Card instance) {
return super.deleteCard(instance);