Development Tools

The tools needed to implement solutions depend on the implementation language. In either case you will need an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that suits the requirements of the specific language, e.g. VS Code for TypeScript development or Eclipse for Java development.

Note: We recommend using the latest version of the tools unless specified otherwise. Additionally, we do not recommend using GitBash on Windows since it doesn't mask the password that is entered by the user.

Implementing Solutions with TypeScript


Currently only Node.js 12.16.x is supported to install Solution CLI and execute npm commands.

Further information:

Implementing Solutions with Java

Java SDK

A Java 8 SDK is needed to implement Java solutions.

Please download either the Oracle 8 JDK or the Open JDK and follow the installation instructions of the JDK.


Maven version >=3.6.1 is required to develop custom implementation Java based solutions.

Please download and install maven from