Solution Envoy

Solution Envoy displays the running status of the deployed Solutions, the Storages used and information regarding the messaging components and the underlying infrastructure. Currently four different overviews are accessible:

Solutions Overview

The Solution Overview displays the following information in each of the solution displayed.

Property Description
Status Shows the current status of the applications – whether they are running or not running.
Open APIs The user is presented with a tab labelled as Open APIs. Clicking in the tab shows the swagger Interface that displays the open APIs related to the solution.
Pipeline ID The ID number of the pipeline that built, tested and deployed this solution.
Available Pods The user can see the number of available pods out of the total number of pods. A Pod is a group of one or more containers (such as Docker containers), with shared storage/network, and a specification on how to run the containers. The number of pods is assigned during deployment in the pipeline. They can also be increased in the scenario when there is an increase in load.
Agent Health Shows whether the agents are running at that moment of time. It is displayed as a Boolean value and assigned as OK/Not OK. Hovering over the value shows the percentage of agents which failed in the last 24 hours. If less than 10% of the agents fail in the last 24 hours, the value’s always OK. The value would be Not OK if more than 10% of agents fail in the last 24 hours.
Details Accessing detail information to the solutions.


The storage overview shows a cumulated overview of the databases/collections used by the solutions. Please note that all information is provided by the database itself and therefore logical integrity cannot be guaranteed.

Property Description
URL The user can view the URL displayed besides the header. The URL is a technical connection string which represents the connection to the Database.
Connections used The number of connections used and the maximal number of possible connections
Days uptime The number of days the database is up and running.
Page Faults Shows the number of page faults. Page faults can occur as the database reads from or writes data to parts of its data files that are not currently located in physical memory.

For each Solution also the following database information are presented:

Property Description
Status Showing the current state of the database represented by the two values as OK and not OK
Objects The number of data objects in each database.
Avg. Object Size It shows the average object size. Average Object size is calculated as the total data size divided by the number of objects.
Data Size It shows the total size of the Data in the Database. Calculated as the Average Object size multiplied by the number of objects.
Indexes It shows the number of indexes in the database.


The user can see the all message topics along with their partitions.


This area describes information of components that are running as infrastructure in a Solution Envoy or that are needed for developing solutions.

  • Dashboard (dashboard component, responsible for displaying the envoy)
  • Debug Server (component, it allows the debugging of running solutions from a Developer workspace)

The cards for infrastructure components show the following information:

Property Description
Running status Shows either of the values – Running or Not Running.
Pods available Shows the pods available out of the total number of pods.
Build artifact It displays the internal name of the component
Build version The version of the component
Build ID The associated build ID of the component
Open button It contains a link to connect to the Open API description which shows the operations defined in the component.

Solution CLI Setup

If the user intends to use the Solution CLI for debugging, then the user must use the shown Setup-String in the Solution CLI. For additional information see also Chapter Solution CLI Setup.

Maven Dependencies

The java dependencies that are needed in a maven repository in order to develop a custom java solution can be downloaded from here. For a more detailed description about installing and using the dependencies please see the chapter regarding the development of java custom solutions.