Configuration Management

Get an insight to the configurations that can be set for the cluster or dedicated solution by using the Solution Hub.


The configuration management is done in different systems, including

  • User Configuration
  • Pipeline Configuration
  • Configuration management REST API
    • Clusterwide configuration
    • Solution Envoy configuration

Configuration management REST API

The configuration management API provides REST services for reading, creating and deleting configurations for the Solution Envoy deployment. The configuration management is part of the Solution Hub installation and helm chart.

Note: For using the configuration management a JWT token for a valid user is needed, see User Configuration.

The hostname for the configuration management is defined within the helm variable The configurations can be done easily with the provided swagger-ui or any other tool for calling APIs (curl, postman).

The swagger-ui of the configuration-management is available for example at

The configuration management is seperated in four controllers:

  • Docker Registry Controller: for managing the docker registry
  • Helm Repository Controller: for managing the helm repository
  • Configuration Controller: for managing Solution Envoy and solution configurations
  • Runtime Controller: for managing new and existing runtimes