User Role Model
Name | Description |
DC_USER | Minimum permission to access designer and marketplace and create a solution |
DC_DEVELOPER | Acts as a CLI User and Source Code Developer inside the Solution Designer. Will be able to pull and push code to a solution related repository |
DC_ANALYST | Acts as a User inside the Solution Designer. Will be able to access the Solution Designer Workspace and synchronize this with the related source inside the Solution Repository |
DC_ADMIN | Acts as an admin user for the Solution Designer. Has the permission to read and delete solutions from the Solution Designer |
MP_USER | Can publish solutions to the local marketplace |
MP_MANAGER | Can delete Design Packs from the local marketplace |
Note: The user who created a solution has the possibility to read it while the solution is
in the state "processing" or "error"
Attention: In order to hide your solution, make sure to set your
solution to private in GitLab.