Component Repository

A Helm Chart Repository is required to release own Service Project (Component) Helm Charts, which must meet the following requirements:

  • The chart repository must not be helm-oci based

  • The chart repository must contain an index.yaml file, see Helm Chart Repository.

  • The chart repository must be available from the cluster via HTTPS and has a proper certificate (not self-signed)

Examples for supported Helm Chart Repositories are:

  • ChartMuseum Repository Server

  • GitLab Package Registry

  • Sonatype Nexus Helm Chart Repository

Example - Install Steps ChartMuseum Helm Chart

Download helm chart from ChartMuseum ArtifactHub

Extract the contents of the file chartmuseum-3.9.3.tgz

tar -xvf chartmuseum-3.9.3.tgz

Edit the following values in the values.yaml file

BASIC_AUTH_USER set the username you'd like to use.
BASIC_AUTH_PASS set the password you'd like to use.
storageClass set the storage class you'll be using.

Create a project on openshift

oc new-project chartmuseum

Deploy the helm chart

helm install chartmuseum . -n chartmuseum -f values.yaml

Create following Route for the chartmuseum service:

kind: Route
  name: chartmuseum
  namespace: chartmuseum
  host: chartmuseum.<YOUR_HOST_DOMAIN>
    kind: Service
    name: chartmuseum
    weight: 100
    targetPort: http
    termination: edge
    insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy: Redirect
  wildcardPolicy: None