What's new?

See what new features and improvements are available in IBM Industry Solutions Workbench 4.0.5.

Event Support 2.0

IBM Industry Solutions Workbench offers with Event Support 2.0 the possibility to connect to a central Schema Registry and manage schemas via the Solution Designer. A schema will be used to describe the payload structure of an event, which is published on your message broker. When modelling events in a Low-code Service project, one of the shared schemas in the registry can be chosen and assigned to the event easily. This way you can ensure, that the payload is handled correctly while producing and consuming events even across multiple services.

A central schema registry is helpful to ensure governance while dealing with the event payloads. It acts as shared repository, which holds the definitions of the possible payload structures. Those are used and therefore help to define a reliable contract between event producers and consumers. Additionally, the schema registry gives the possibility to create new versions of a schema, so that it can evolve over time while ensuring compatiblity with older versions. For the time being for existing projects, a compability mode for the Event Support 1.0 is available. Nevertheless, we recommend to use schemas defined in the schema registry as payload for the events and migrate them to Event Support 2.0.

Fully customizable Helm Charts

IBM Industry Solutions Workbench is using pre-defined helm chart templates for the build and deployment of Service Projects. This helm charts can be adjusted or completely overridden for specific Service Projects depending on your needs and requirements.

Read more about custom helm charts.

Open API Support for API Namespaces

For the creation of an API Namespace in Low-code Project now any valid Open API specification file can now be uploaded. So far you have been limited to the supported model of IBM Industry Solution Workbench. Also, so far unsupported elements of an API Specification are now available and code for the implementation will be generated upon availability. To maintain those elements besides the modelling an Expert View to directly edit the specifiation is available.

Read more about API Namespaces

Enhanced Integration Namespaces

We completely renewed the way to integrate with external REST APIs in order to make it easier to work with and to reduce the amount of mapping effort while implementation.

Each integration namespace is associated to exactly one API dependency, which is representing a REST API to a service or external endpoint. The operations of the API specification are shown and graphically visualized. Access to the operations and the service stub is provided from all namespaces of the project. This way, necessary mappings between different namespace types is now obsolete. And in accordance with that, the enforcement of modeling and using Integration Services has been skipped. Nevertheless, Integration Services still can and should be used where appropriate.

In additon to that introduces IBM Industry Solutions Workbench now the possibility, to simply select an API specification of an other service project and create an API dependency out of that.

Read more about the renewed Integration Namespaces

Asset Catalogs

The Local Marketplace service (which covered the functionality to export, store and import project templates) is now succeeded by the feature Asset Catalogs. An asset catalog is backed by a git repository and holds entries to assets (project templates) which have been shared. It allows easier management and comes along with the possibility to configure more than one Asset Catalog. Thus enabling, sharing of assets across environments with one click. Also, publicly available asset catalogs can be provided and used.

Read more about Asset Catalogs.

Component Repositories

A Component Repository is a combination of Helm Chart Repository and Container Image Registry that is configured within the tool. Every component, that is built via a Release Pipeline, is pushed into the default Component Repository. It can be used in Application Composition Projects afterwards. Besides that, additional component repositories can be registered in the design environment to re-use already existing components in Application Composition Projects. Those components can be bought or built by 3rd parties and do not necessarily need to be produced with the workbench.

Read more about Component Repositories.

IBM® API Connect® support

You now have the option to add annotations to every modelled API in order to use the generated API specifications with IBM API Connect. IBM API Connect can be enabled for both: OpenApi 3.0 and Swagger 2.0. Once you enable this feature, necessary metadata about the API for the registration within IBM API Connect can be specified. In most cases, there is no additional data needed for registering the API in the gateway. IBM® API Connect® (official website: https://www.ibm.com/cloud/api-connect).

Read more about annotating your APIs for usage with IBM® API Connect® support.

Other noteworthy improvements

Operator based installation & upgrade

The IBM Industry Solution Workbench can be now installed via Operator Hub. This enables a streamlined experience and provides an installation mechanism that is state-of-the art. Updating to new versions is also now possible directly in the RedHat OpenShift Web Console. Besides that, system dependencies are now also streamlined. The obligation of installing the CP4D Control Plane has been dropped. Metering is now done within a service of the IBM Industry Solutions Workbench. The supported version of OpenShift is set to 4.12 and keycloak can now be replaced with RedHat SSO.

Read more about the installation.

Persist your data in Relational Databases

The new version also includes a new persistence mechanism to create, read, update, and delete root entities, entities and external entities from and to a relational database. This feature is available for low-code projects based on Java Spring Boot. The specification of persistence mechanism can be managed in the Solution Designer. Schema Creation for RDBMS is done directly in the developer's IDE with specialized plugin. The generated script can be reviewed by database admins, before it gets applied.

Read more about RMDBS support.


The current version of IBM Industry Solutions Workbench now is running on Red Hat Open Shift 4.12. Aligned to the Red Hat Life Cycle Phases that offers Extended Update Support for all even numbered minor releases, IBM Industry Solutions Workbench will support for each release the last even number of Red Hat OpenShift in the future. In addition, now Mongo DB in version 6 is also supported.

Externalize configuration value of service projects

The workbench allows now to place an additional configuration (extension-values.yaml) file needed for the execution. With creation of a new project, this file is pre-generated with samples. Within an Application Composition project these additional configurations can be viewed and managed by the 'Configure Component' function. The values of the configuration can be specified to retrieve values from existing secrets or config-maps, or statically provide key/value pairs. Within the service, all those configurations can be accessed as environment variable and provide flexibility for all situations.

Read more about custom variables.

Increased max. length for project acronyms

When creating a new project you have to provide a project acronym but the input was limited to only 8 characters. From this version on you can use up to 20 characters to specify a project's acronym giving you more flexibility in naming your projects.

Read more about creating new projects.