Java low-code project overview

At this point it is assumed that the initial setup and the mandatory commands of the Solution CLI have been performed and executed as described.


Be sure you have set up and installed all prerequisites and development tools.

If you encounter an error related to missing maven dependency de.knowis.cp.sdk:cp-framework-sdk-parent:pom:x.y.z, then you have to update the project's pom.xml file in the Git repository due to updates in the cp-framework. There is only the root level pom.xml file that has to be changed.

  • First, see upgrade overview to find the current version of the cp-framework-managed-sdk-parent-x.y.z

  • Then, inside the project search for the root pom.xml, search for the <parent> attribute and change it according to the following snippet:


Create a new project workspace

After you have created a project in Solution Designer and modelled it according to Domain Driven Design principles, create a folder for your workspace. Then, open a terminal and navigate to your development workspace folder.


cd /my/workspace/

Clone project to local workspace

Inside Solution Designer, open the project and click on Project CLI in the task bar located at the bottom of the page.

There you will find instructions on how to set up the CLI and connect it with your k5-project. The section Implementation provides the necessary information for the fss clone command to clone the project to your local workspace.

Note: You will be prompted for your username and password for this k5-project. A folder in your workspace will be created for the cloned project, where the folder name will be the project acronym.



Open project

Open your project folder using Eclipse, IntelliJ or preferred IDE.

Open project with Eclipse

You can use the Import Wizard to command link import Java low-code projects into workspace.

  1. Launch Eclipse.

  2. Open or create a Workspace.

  3. From the main menu bar, select command link File > Import.... The Import wizard opens.

  4. Select General > Projects from Folder or Archive and click Next.

  5. Click the Directory button on the next page of the wizard to select the directory the name of the project acronym.

  6. Under Folder select all projects.

  7. Click Finish to start the import.

The imported project named project acronym-application is the working project it is automatically recognized and created as a Maven project. Alternatively, only the project acronym-application directory can be imported.

Open project with IntelliJ

You can use the Welcome screen to import Java low-code projects.

  1. Launch IntelliJ.

    • If the Welcome screen opens, click Open.

    • Otherwise, from the main menu, select File | Open.

  2. In the dialog that opens, select the pom.xml file from the directory with the name of the project acronym-application and click Open.

Alternatively, project acronym can be opened and Maven set up.

Project structure

The project is structured into several source folders and some configuration files inside the ProjectAcronym-application folder:

  • src/main/java: Holds the project's spring boot entry point and also stub files where solution engineer needs to implement logic for API, services, commands, agents and external entities services

  • src/main/generated: Holds the generated SDK files for API and domain namespaces

  • src/test/java: Holds the test files (currently only one test file for database service)

  • src/main/resources: Holds the resources files such as application.yaml and application-local-template.yaml

  • src/test/resources: Holds the resources files for running tests

  • target: The maven default output folder. When a project is built or packaged, all the content of the sources, resources and web files will be put inside

  • pom.xml: XML file that contains information about the project and configuration details used by Maven to build the project

Project stubs package structure

Contains Java stub (implementation files) classes where solution engineers can implement logic for modelled operations, services, commands, agents and external entities.

The base package for stubs is named according to package name that is set in the project's Master Data and the project acronym, for example: de.knowis.cnr

It consists of two main sub-packages Api and Domain, where each package groups several namespaces. Api and domain sub-packages correspond to the namespace types that are described in Introduction to Namespaces.

Each namespace will get its own sub-package with its own prefix.


  • de.knowis.cnr.api.apins1: corresponds to an API namespace with prefix APIns1

  • de.knowis.cnr.domain.dns1: corresponds to a domain namespace with prefix dns1

Project local profile configuration setup

To setup your project local profile configuration please see Setup Java local profile.

Project SDK package structure

Contains SDK classes that provide base classes for modelled operations, services, commands, agents and external entities as well as necessary configuration and services needed to run application.

The base package for SDK is named according to the package name that is set in the project's Master Data and the project acronym with addition of "sdk/API" to distinguish it from project stubs, for example: de.knowis.cnr.sdk

It consists of two main sub-packages Api and Domain, where each package groups several namespaces. Api and domain sub-packages correspond to the namespace types that are described in Introduction to Namespaces. Each namespace will get its own sub-package with its own prefix.


  • de.knowis.cnr.api.apins1.api: corresponds to an API namespace with prefix APIns1

  • de.knowis.cnr.sdk.domain.dns1: corresponds to a domain namespace with prefix dns1

Unit tests for low-code projects

It's highly recommended writing unit tests for your Java projects. The unit tests will be executed during the project pipeline execution as part of the maven build.

By default, JUnit 5 is set as the test library in Spring Boot. If you want to use JUnit 4, you have to add the following dependency in pom.xml.
