Configuring applications

Application composition projects don't have a global configuration. Instead, configurations can be made for each deployment target that has been added to the project. That allows you to adjust everything individually to match the requirements of each single deployment target.

Besides adding and removing components, you need to configure the bindings of each component in case they make use of any type of bindings.

Attention: Configuring the bindings for the components needs to be done for each of the deployment targets you set up.

Configuring API bindings

Whenever a component has been designed to make use of an API binding this binding needs to get configured. You can find out if you need to configure API binding(s) by clicking on the cogwheel icon on one of the deployment targets. This will show a dropdown where you can select between API bindings and topic bindings. Clicking on the API bindings entry opens a dialog that lists all API bindings used by the components in this deployment target. This allows you to go through this list and configure all API bindings so all components can work as expected when deployed.

You can edit each of these bindings by clicking on the three-dots menu on right side of each table row and clicking on the "Edit" button.

Read more about API bindings.

Configuring topic bindings

Similar to the API bindings every topic binding used by any of the components needs to get configured. You can find out if you need to configure topic binding(s) by clicking on the cogwheel icon on one of the deployment targets. This will show a dropdown where you can select between API bindings and topic bindings. Clicking on the topic bindings entry opens a dialog that lists all topic bindings used by the components in this deployment target.

You can edit each of these bindings by clicking on the three-dots menu on right side of each table row and clicking on the "Edit" button.

Read more about topic bindings.

Configuring components

You can configure the behaviour of each component per deployment target to match the target's requirements. To do so, each component card provides a "Configure component" capability in the three-dots menu. This allows you to edit the Helm chart of this component for the currently selected deployment target.

Read more about configuring components.

Warning: You should only change the values of the Helm chart in case you really know what you are doing. Invalid configurations can lead to malfunction of the component.