
Get an insight to the configurations that can be set for the cluster or dedicated projects by using the Solution Hub.


The configuration capabilities of Financial Services Workbench are split up into two main areas that are completely independent of each other. The first area is responsible for the configuration of Solution Designer and Solution Hub. This is what we call the Product Configuration and is independent of the configuration for deployed projects built by you or your team. That is what we call the Run Time.

Besides of these areas you may want to configure user settings related to services outside of Financial Services Workbench, e.g. OpenShift users or user roles for the IAM provider.You can find further instructions on this topic on the Configure Users page.

Product Configuration

This includes all necessary configurations to get both applications up and running. This also includes the user management for the users who actually work on design or implementation of projects. Most likely this will be your employees or colleagues. The settings you can make in this section also affect the database used by Solution Designer, the S3 storage and the IAM provider used to provide access to your users.

This configuration area is called the K5 Configurator and is also responsible to do the initial setup of Solution Designer and Solution Hub after the installation process has finished.

All settings can be done by using the K5 Configurator Controller API (REST) which provides a Swagger UI.

Run Time Configuration

This is the place to configure all settings related to the deployed projects. There are also settings like the database, the Eventing System or the IAM provider, but these will only affect running projects and are not related to the settings for Solution Designer or Solution Hub.

This configuration section is called the Configuration Management and is separated into three parts:

  • Environment Configuration - These are the initial settings needed to set up new k5-projects
  • Project Configuration - Settings will be applied by default to all built projects in a k5-project
  • Solution Configuration - Settings for a specific project overwriting the Environment Configuration and the Project Configuration. It also offers creating API bindings for each API dependency of a project