New Features

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Feature Description
Added a button to auto-generate Plant-UML diagrams PlantUML diagrams can now be auto-generated by using a button in the Markdown editor. There is also a "help" button added that provides instructions on how to generate diagrams.
Show pipeline runs of solutions A list of all pipeline runs is now available in the CI/CD view of a solution in Solution Designer and also in Solution Hub.
Filter by solution type or implementation language User can now filter solutions based on their implementation language (TypeScript or Java) or solution type(Low-Code or Custom-Code solutions).
Auto-correction of user inputs not complying with the capitalisation rules Instead of throwing error, Solution Designer now automatically converts the fields to upper or lower case depending on the capitalisation rule for the field.
Changed displayed name to solution's or namespace's name Instead of displaying the solution's acronym (e.g. MYTESOL) or the namespace's acronym on their respective instance page, now their name is used (e.g. My Test Solution).
Distinguished page titles Solution Designer now shows different page titles in the browser depending on the current navigation. This can be used to search for a particular Solution Designer website in the browser's history or when using multiple tabs.
Permission-depending buttons keep visible Solution Designer now keeps showing buttons to users who don't have the permission to execute the underlying action but deactivates these buttons in this case.
Input fields now have description text We added helping or explaining text to every input field in Solution Designer to make it easier to understand the expected input.
Additional "Info"-button on namespace cards With this new button you can either click on the header bar of the card to open the namespace or click on the "Info" icon to open the Details View of this namespace.
Network Policy Support Financial Services Workbench as well as the deployed solutions designed and implemented with Financial Services Workbench now support Network Policy to limit traffic between the pods.