Project Test Configuration


This settings are used as default settings for the test step of all solutions in the k5-project, as long as there is no solution-specific test configuration for a solution. This has to be done for each new k5-project.

The configuration of k5-projects and built solutions is done via a REST API called Configuration Management API. This API provides a Swagger UI for ease-of-use but you can use the tool of your choice for calling APIs (e.g. cURL, Postman).

Tip: As long as not configured otherwise, the default URL where you can find the Configuration Management Swagger UI is built like this:
The exact URL can be found within the route named k5-configuration-management. It can be easily retrieved by executing
oc get route k5-configuration -n <namespace>
, whereby <namespace> points to the namespace, where the Solution Hub is installed.

Get or Delete Project Test Configurations

If you want to query for Project Test Configurations you can use the same operations as for querying Project Configurations (see Get Project Configurations or Delete Project Configurations). They will be listed together with all other Project Configurations for this project.

Create or Edit Project Test Configuration

Each new k5-project needs a project test configuration. These settings can be edited later, but the changes will only affect new solutions or existing solutions without solution-specific configuration after they have been re-deployed.

Use POST method Create or update a specific Project Configuration in the Swagger UI or
curl -x POST "https://{your-hostname}/api/cfg/v1/runtimes/{runtimeName}/solutions/-/configurations/{configurationName}" -H  "accept: text/plain" -H  "Authorization: Bearer {BearerToken}" -H  "Content-Type: text/plain" -d ""
Table 1. Request Parameters
Parameter Type Description
configurationName path parameter (String) The name of the configuration: ssob-integration-test
runtimeName path parameter (String) The name of the specific k5-project, e.g. cpd-runtime-default
data body parameter (YAML) The configuration values (body parameters)

The following table lists the required configurable parameters for the solution default configuration.

Table 2. Body Parameter (in YAML notation)
Parameter Description
Username used for executing the solution's tests (e.g. dev-test-user). The test user must exist or be created in the realm that this k5-project is using.
    <test-username e.g. dev-test-user>:
Password used for the specified default user for executing the solution's tests (e.g. password123). This user must match the value provided above for the user-alias.


Example body parameter for a typical development stage (data):

  default: "dev-test-user"
  dev-test-user: "password123"
Attention: Any change to the default configuration will only be applied to the solutions after a new deployment.