Installing Third-Party Components

Informal description how to setup the third party components in an OpenShift 4.5 cluster


This chapter contains some hints and guidelines on installing required third-party components in an OpenShift 4.5 cluster. It does not provide a production grade ready setup for the IBM Financial Services Workbench. It aims to outline an example setup of the required third party components in an easy way and tries to get the start-up time quicker. With regard to quickly evolving technologies and products, this can be outdated even one day after publishing. All values given as examples in this guide are not considered safe.

Recommendations for a PoC

For a typical PoC situation we recommend the following setup:

Component Tested Version Note
Helm 2 2.16.6 Required by IBM Financial Service Workbench 2.5.0
Strimzi - Apache Kafka on Kubernetes 0.16.2* Provided by 'Strimzi' Operator v0.14.0
Keycloak 9.0.2* Provided by 'Red Hat Keycloak' Operator v9.0.2
Gitlab 12.7.5 Provided by 'Gitlab' Helm Chart v3.0.3
MongoDB 3.6 Provided by 'Red Hat MongoDB' template
Notice: The available versions for components installed by the operators may differ from the tested versions because the operator always installs the latest version of the component.
Attention: If possible, use properly signed certificates for the OpenShift cluster. Self-signed certificates increase the effort and complexity of the installation. A wildcard certificate must be available as the default router certificate.
Attention: Cluster Admin privileges are required for a full installation.
Attention: A default storage class that is used to provide volumes for persistent volume claims must exist.

Create OpenShift projects

It is recommended and assumed in the following that all third-party components except GitLab will be installed in a separate OpenShift project called foundation.

If you decide to also install GitLab, this should be in another project called foundation-gitlab. This is due to special security context constraint requirements that GitLab needs to properly work. Overall it is preferable to use an existing git repository service.

As a cluster administrator, run the following commands to create the project foundation:

$ oc new-project foundation

Repeat to create project foundation-gitlab for installation of GitLab:

$ oc new-project foundation-gitlab

Install Helm

Official documentation

Install the Helm CLI

You can either download and install the pre-built binary release of Helm v2.16.6 or use the Helm binary which comes with the product (to be found in ./ssob-install/deployments/helm )

To use the installer script provided by Helm that will automatically fetch the desired version of Helm and install it locally, run the following command:

$ export DESIRED_VERSION=v2.16.6
$ curl -fsSL | sudo bash
Note: The location of the Helm binary must be set in the PATH environment variable.

Create Service Account for Helm Tiller

Set up the service account role bindings required by Tiller by creating a service account and granting it admin rights for the namespace:

$ oc project foundation-gitlab
$ oc create sa tiller
$ oc adm policy add-role-to-user admin -z tiller

Install Helm Tiller with TLS

You can either provide your own certificates for configuring TLS/SSL between Helm and Tiller or reuse the Helm certificates of an existing IBM Cloud Pak for Data (CPD 3.5) installation.

To reuse the Helm certificates from the existing CPD Tiller installation, identify the following variables:

Variable Replacement
{tiller_namespace} Namespace of the existing CPD installation (default: zen)
{tiller_secret} Name of the Tiller secret that was created by the CPD installation (Commonly: tiller-secret or helm-secret)
{cert_folder} Folder for storing the certificate files (e.g. $HOME/.helm)
Note: The created certificate and key files must be saved and will be used later to execute the helm install command in section Start the Helm chart installation.

Create the certificate and key files for Helm Tiller by setting the variables in the following command block and executing the commands:

export TILLER_NAMESPACE={tiller_namespace}
export TILLER_SECRET={tiller_secret}
export SECRET_FOLDER={cert_folder}
# Export secret certificates as files
oc get secret $TILLER_SECRET -n $TILLER_NAMESPACE -o yaml|grep -A3 '^data:'|tail -3 | awk -F: '{system("echo "$2" |base64 --decode > "$1)}'
# Rename to standard names for HELM certificates
mv ca.cert.pem ca.pem
mv helm.cert.pem cert.pem
mv helm.key.pem key.pem
## Set certificate file permissions
chmod 700 $PWD
chmod 644 ./ca.pem
chmod 644 ./cert.pem
chmod 600 ./key.pem
export HELM_TLS_CA_CERT=$PWD/ca.pem
export HELM_TLS_CERT=$PWD/cert.pem
export HELM_TLS_KEY=$PWD/key.pem
# Verify TLS communication
helm version --tls --tiller-namespace $TILLER_NAMESPACE

You should see helm version command output like this:

Client: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.16.6", GitCommit:"0e7f3b6637f7af8fcfddb3d2941fcc7cbebb0085", GitTreeState:"clean"}
Server: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.16.6", GitCommit:"0e7f3b6637f7af8fcfddb3d2941fcc7cbebb0085", GitTreeState:"clean"}

Install Helm Tiller with TLS

In order to install the Helm Tiller and configure TLS/SSL between Helm and Tiller run the helm init command with the --tiller-tls-* parameters and names of the certificates, as shown in the following example:

$ helm init \
--tiller-namespace foundation-gitlab \
--tiller-tls \
--tiller-tls-cert $HELM_TLS_CERT \
--tiller-tls-key $HELM_TLS_KEY \
--tiller-tls-verify \
--tls-ca-cert $HELM_TLS_CA_CERT \
--service-account tiller

After a few minutes validate that Tiller is deployed in the namespaces:

$ oc -n foundation-gitlab rollout status deploy/tiller-deploy
deployment "tiller-deploy" successfully rolled out
Note: Further information about securing Tiller and Helm with TLS can be found in the official Helm documentation Using TLS Between Helm and Tiller

Verify the Tiller installation

Run the following command to validate Helm can communicate to the Tiller service:

$ helm version --tls --tiller-namespace foundation-gitlab
Client: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.16.6", GitCommit:"0e7f3b6637f7af8fcfddb3d2941fcc7cbebb0085", GitTreeState:"clean"}
Server: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.16.6", GitCommit:"0e7f3b6637f7af8fcfddb3d2941fcc7cbebb0085", GitTreeState:"clean"}

Install Kafka

If you already have Kafka running skip this step and proceed to Install Keycloak. See also Pre-installation tasks on which configuration values of your Kafka installation you need to gather for the installation of IBM Financial Services Workbench.

Official documentation

Install the Strimzi Operator from the OperatorHub

Attention: To complete this task a user in the the cluster admin role is required.

As a cluster administrator, install the Strimzi operator from the OperatorHub to the namespace foundation as follows:

  1. Navigate in the web console to the Operators → OperatorHub page.

  2. Filter by keyword: Strimzi

  3. Select the operator: Strimzi (Community) provided by Strimzi.

  4. Read the information about the operator and click Install .

  5. On the Create Operator Subscription page:

    • Select option A specific namespace on the cluster with namespace foundation

    • Select an update channel (if more than one is available).

    • Select Automatic approval strategy

    • Click Subscribe

  6. After the subscription’s upgrade status is up to date, navigate in the web console to the Operators → Installed Operators page.

  7. Select the Strimzi Apache Kafka Operator and verify that the content for the Overview tab of the Operators → Operator Details page is displayed.

Note: See OpenShift documentation Adding Operators to a cluster (OpenShift 4.5) for further information on how to install an operator from the OperatorHub.

Create the Kafka instance

Create the Kafka CRD instance in the namespace foundation as follows:

  1. Navigate in the web console to the Operators → Installed Operators page.

  2. Select the Strimzi Apache Kafka Operator

  3. Navigate to the Kafka tab of the Operators → Operator Details page.

  4. Click Create Kafka

  5. In the Strimzi Apache Kafka Operator → Create Kafka page

  6. Verify that in the Kafka tab the newly created kafka CRD instance is displayed.

Example configuration 'Kafka'

kind: Kafka
  name: kafka
  namespace: foundation
    replicas: 3
        type: route
      plain: {}
          type: scram-sha-512
      offsets.topic.replication.factor: 3
      transaction.state.log.replication.factor: 3
      transaction.state.log.min.isr: 2
      type: ephemeral
    replicas: 3
      type: ephemeral
    topicOperator: {}
    userOperator: {}

Create the Kafka User instance

Create a KafkaUser CRD instance in the namespace foundation as follows:

  1. Navigate in the web console to the Operators → Installed Operators page.

  2. Select the Strimzi Apache Kafka Operator

  3. Navigate to the Kafka tab of the Operators → Operator Details page.

  4. Click Create Kafka User

  5. In the Strimzi Apache Kafka Operator → Create KafkaUser page

  6. Verify that in the Kafka User tab the newly created kafka-user CRD instance is displayed.

Example configuration 'KafkaUser'

kind: KafkaUser
  labels: kafka
  name: kafka-user
  namespace: foundation
    type: scram-sha-512
      - host: '*'
        operation: Read
          name: '*'
          patternType: literal
          type: topic
    type: simple

Retrieve the credentials

You can retrieve the credentials for connecting to the Kafka broker by looking for a Kubernetes secret named after the user you provided (e.g. kafka-user ):

$ oc -n foundation get secret kafka-user -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d; echo

Retrieve the certificates

Get the certificate that you need during the installation of IBM Financial Services Workbench:

$ oc -n foundation get secret kafka-cluster-ca -o jsonpath='{\.key}' | base64 -d >
$ oc -n foundation get secret kafka-cluster-ca-cert -o jsonpath='{\.crt}' | base64 -d >

Install Keycloak

If you already have a Keycloak instance running consider using that and skip and proceed to Install MongoDB. See also Pre-installation tasks on which configuration values of your Keycloak installation you need to gather for the installation of IBM Financial Services Workbench.

Attention: To complete this task, you must be a cluster administrator.
Attention: To prevent issues with PVCs, a default storage class must be set.

Official documentation

Install Keycloak Operator from the OperatorHub

Note: To complete this task a user in the the cluster admin role is required.

As a cluster administrator, install the Keycloak operator from the OperatorHub to the namespace foundation :

  1. Navigate in the web console to the Operators → OperatorHub page.

  2. Filter by keyword: Keycloak

  3. Select the operator: Keycloak (Community) provided by Red Hat.

  4. Read the information about the operator and click Install .

  5. On the Create Operator Subscription page:

    • Select option A specific namespace on the cluster with namespace foundation

    • Select an Update Channel (if more than one is available).

    • Select Automatic approval strategy

    • Click Subscribe

  6. After the Subscription’s upgrade status is Up to date, navigate in the web console to the Operators → Installed Operators page.

  7. Select the Keycloak Operator and verify that the content for the Overview tab of the Operators → Operator Details page is displayed.

Note: See OpenShift documentation Adding Operators to a cluster (OpenShift 4.5) for further information on how to install an operator from the OperatorHub.

Create the Keycloak instance

Create the Keycloak CRD instance in the namespace foundation :

  1. Navigate in the web console to the Operators → Installed Operators page.

  2. Select the Keycloak Operator

  3. Navigate to the Keycloak tab of the Operators → Operator Details page.

  4. Click Create Keycloak

  5. In the Keycloak Operator → Create Keycloak page

  6. Verify that in the Keycloak tab the newly created foundation-keycloak CRD instance is displayed.

Example configuration 'Keycloak'

kind: Keycloak
  name: foundation-keycloak
    app: sso
  namespace: foundation
  instances: 1
    - >-
    enabled: false
Attention: The property externalAccess.enabled must be set to false and the public route itself must be created. If the property is set to true for the Keycloak configuration, the operator creates a route that can result in all requests on *.apps.{CLUSTER_DOMAIN} being routed to the Keycloak service.

Create public route for Keycloak

Create a public route keycloak-external as follows, with {CLUSTER_DOMAIN}) set to your cluster domain:

kind: Route
  name: keycloak-external
  namespace: foundation
    app: keycloak
  host: keycloak-foundation.{CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
    kind: Service
    name: keycloak
    weight: 100
    targetPort: keycloak
    termination: reencrypt
    insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy: None
  wildcardPolicy: None

Retrieve the credentials

You can retrieve the credentials for connecting to the Keycloak by looking for a Kubernetes secret named credential-foundation-keycloak :

$ oc -n foundation get secret credential-foundation-keycloak -o jsonpath='{.data.ADMIN_USERNAME}' | base64 -d; echo
$ oc -n foundation get secret credential-foundation-keycloak -o jsonpath='{.data.ADMIN_PASSWORD}' | base64 -d; echo

Retrieve the certificates

The certificates are needed later during installation (truststore.trustmap.identity), so please download and save them temporarily.

$ KEYCLOAK_HOST=`oc -n foundation get route keycloak-external -ojsonpath={}`
$ echo | openssl s_client -showcerts -connect $KEYCLOAK_HOST:443 2>&1 | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > keycloak-fullchain.pem

Verify the Keycloak installation

When the Keycloak installation is complete, make sure that you can access Keycloak with the retrieved credentials and the URL specified by the parameter in the values.yaml file of the route you just created in section Create public route for Keycloak.
$ oc -n foundation get route keycloak-external

Install MongoDB

If you already have a MongoDB instance running consider using that and skip this step and proceed to Install GitLab. See also Pre-installation tasks on which configuration values of your MongoDB installation you need to gather for the installation of IBM Financial Services Workbench.

Attention: To complete this task, you must be a cluster administrator.
Attention: To prevent issues with PVCs, a default storage class must be set.

Official documentation

Install MongoDB from the OpenShift Developer Catalog

Install the MongoDB database services in the namespace foundation :

  1. Switch in the web console to the Developer perspective.

  2. Click +Add inside the left navigation of the web console

  3. Select the From Catalog tile to navigate to the Developer Catalog.

  4. Filter by keyword: MongoDB

  5. Select the database service: MongoDB (Community) provided by Red Hat.

  6. Read the information about the service and click Instantiate Template .

  7. Modify the following template parameters on the Instantiate Template page:

    • Namespace: foundation

    • Memory Limit: 512Mi

    • Database Service Name: mongodb

    • MongoDB Database Name: mongodb

    • Volume Capacity: 1Gi

    • Version of MongoDB Image: 3.6

    • Click Create

  8. Wait a few minutes until the Deployment rollout is complete. The current status is displayed in section Conditions in the Template Instances → Template page.

Retrieve the credentials

You can retrieve the credentials and database name for connecting to the MongoDB service by looking for a Kubernetes secret named mongodb :

export MONGODB_DATABASE=$(oc -n foundation get secret mongodb -o jsonpath='{.data.database-name}' | base64 -d)
export MONGODB_USER=$(oc -n foundation get secret mongodb -o jsonpath='{.data.database-user}' | base64 -d)
export MONGODB_PASSWORD=$(oc -n foundation get secret mongodb -o jsonpath='{.data.database-password}' | base64 -d)
export MONGODB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=$(oc -n foundation get secret mongodb -o jsonpath='{.data.database-admin-password}' | base64 -d)

Verify the MongoDB installation

After exporting the credentials and database name, first open a remote shell session to the running MongoDB pod:

$ oc get pod | grep mongodb
$ oc rsh <pod>

From the bash shell, verify that the mongoDB user can login with his credentials:

sh-4.2$ mongo -u $MONGODB_USER -p $MONGODB_PASSWORD $MONGODB_DATABASE --eval "db.version()"

MongoDB shell version v3.6.3
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 3.6.3

From the bash shell, verify that the mongoDB admin user can login with his credentials:

sh-4.2$ mongo -u admin -p $MONGODB_ADMIN_PASSWORD admin --eval "db.version()"

MongoDB shell version v3.6.3
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 3.6.3

Install GitLab

If you already have a Git repository consider using that and skip this step.
Attention: To complete this task, you must be a cluster administrator.

Official documentation

Add the Helm charts repository

Add the charts repository to the local registry and update the local chart repositories.

$ helm repo add gitlab
$ helm repo update

Adjust the gitlab-values.yaml

Create a file named gitlab-values.yaml based on the example configuration as seen below and replace {CLUSTER_DOMAIN} with the base domain of your cluster and change {GITLAB_URI} to the URL at which you want to access your GitLab instance.

Example configuration 'gitlab-values.yaml'

# Example values for gitlab/gitlab chart

# Due to the scope and complexity of this chart, all possible values are
# not documented in this file. Extensive documentation for these values
# and more can be found at

## The global properties are used to configure multiple charts at once.
## Extended documenation at doc/charts/
  ## GitLab operator is Alpha. Not for production use.
    enabled: false
      # Enables automatic pause for deployment rollout. This must be set to `true` to fix
      # Helm's issue with 3-way merge. See: 
      autoPause: true

  ## doc/installation/
  edition: ce

  ## doc/charts/
  # gitlabVersion: master

  ## doc/charts/
    create: false
    links: []
    allowClusterRoles: true
  ## doc/charts/
    domain: {CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
    https: false
      name: {GITLAB_URI}

  ## doc/charts/
    configureCertmanager: false
    annotations: {}
    enabled: true
      enabled: false 
      secretName: gitlab-tls-secret

  initialRootPassword: {}

    password: {}

      enabled: true

    enabled: true
    authToken: {}
      # secret: 
      # key: 
    serviceName: gitlab-unicorn
      names: ['default']
    external: []
      enabled: false

  ## doc/charts/
    enabled: true
    credentials: {}
      # secret: 

  ## doc/charts/
    enabled: false

  ## doc/charts/
  ## Rails based portions of this chart share many settings
    ## doc/charts/
    enableUsagePing: true
    enableSeatLink: true
    defaultCanCreateGroup: true
    usernameChangingEnabled: true
      issues: true
      mergeRequests: true
      wiki: true
      snippets: true
      builds: true

    ## doc/charts/
    cron_jobs: {}
    ## doc/charts/

    ## doc/charts/

    ## doc/charts/
      enabled: true
      syncProfileFromProvider: []
      syncProfileAttributes: ['email']
      allowSingleSignOn: ['saml']
      blockAutoCreatedUsers: true
      autoLinkLdapUser: false
      autoLinkSamlUser: false
      externalProviders: []
      allowBypassTwoFactor: []
      - secret: gitlab-oauth2
        key: provider

  ## End of global.appConfig

  ## doc/charts/
    enabled: false

  ## doc/charts/
    authToken: {}
      # secret: 
      # key: 
    hostKeys: {}
      # secret: 

  ## Rails application secrets
  ## Secret created according to doc/installation/
  ## If allowing shared-secrets generation, this is OPTIONAL.
  railsSecrets: {}
    # secret: 

  ## Rails generic setting, applicable to all Rails-based containers
    bootsnap: # Enable / disable Shopify/Bootsnap cache
      enabled: true

  ## doc/charts/
    bucket: registry
    certificate: {}
      # secret: 
    httpSecret: {}
      # secret: 
      # key: 

  ## GitLab Runner
  ## Secret created according to doc/installation/
  ## If allowing shared-secrets generation, this is OPTIONAL.
    registrationToken: {}
      # secret: 

  ## Timezone for containers.
  time_zone: UTC

  ## Global Service Annotations
    annotations: {}

  ## Global Deployment Annotations
    annotations: {}

  antiAffinity: soft

  ## doc/installation/
  workhorse: {}
    # secret: 
    # key: 

  ## doc/charts/
    workerTimeout: 60

  ## doc/charts/
  # configuration of certificates container & custom CA injection
      tag: 20171114-r3
    customCAs: []
    # - secret: custom-CA
    # - secret: more-custom-CAs

  ## kubectl image used by hooks to carry out specific jobs
      tag: 1.13.12
      pullSecrets: []
      # in most base images, this is `nobody:nogroup`
      runAsUser: 65534
      fsGroup: 65534
      repository: busybox
      tag: latest
## End of global

  enabled: true
  image: {}
    # repository: 
    # tag: 
    # in alpine/debian/busybox based images, this is `nobody:nogroup`
    runAsUser: 65534
    fsGroup: 65534
  tolerations: []
      cpu: 50m

## Installation & configuration of jetstack/cert-manager
## See requirements.yaml for current version
  createCustomResource: true
  nameOverride: cert-manager
  # Install cert-manager chart. Set to false if you already have cert-manager
  # installed or if you are not using cert-manager.
  install: false
  # Other cert-manager configurations from upstream
  # See
    create: true
    enabled: false

## doc/charts/nginx/
## doc/architecture/
## Installation & configuration of charts/nginx
  enabled: false

## Installation & configuration of stable/prometheus
## See requirements.yaml for current version
  install: false

## Instllation & configuration of stable/prostgresql
## See requirements.yaml for current version
  postgresqlUsername: gitlab
  # This just needs to be set. It will use a second entry in existingSecret for postgresql-postgres-password
  postgresqlPostgresPassword: bogus
  install: true
  postgresqlDatabase: gitlabhq_production

  usePasswordFile: true
  #existingSecret: 'bogus'
  initdbScriptsConfigMap: 'bogus'
    enabled: true
    ## Optionally define additional custom metrics
    ## ref:

## Installation & configuration charts/registry
## doc/architecture/
## doc/charts/registry/
# registry: 
#   enabled: false

## Automatic shared secret generation
## doc/installation/
## doc/charts/shared-secrets
  enabled: true
    create: true

## Installation & configuration of gitlab/gitlab-runner
## See requirements.yaml for current version
  install: false
    create: false
    locked: false
      cacheType: s3
      s3BucketName: runner-cache
      cacheShared: true
      s3BucketLocation: us-east-1
      s3CachePath: gitlab-runner
      s3CacheInsecure: false

## Settings for individual sub-charts under GitLab
  ## doc/charts/gitlab/task-runner
    replicas: 1
Note: In this configuration example, global.hosts.https and global.ingress.tls are intentionally disabled to prevent issues caused by self-signed certificates.
Note: If Gitlab is installed based on the Helm Chart 'gitlab/gitlab', it will install the latest version of Gitlab for which a Helm Chart exists. For future versions of Gitlab, this sample configuration may need to be adjusted to the latest default configuration of gitlab/values.yaml (see version-specific changes in the upgrade documentation for Gitlab).

Create Keycloak realm 'fsw'

For using Keycloak as identity provider for GitLab authorization the following steps are necessary:

Step 1: Create a Keycloak Realm 'fsw'

Create a realm fsw (called below {KEYCLOAK_REALM} ) and change to this realm:

  1. Go to the Add realm page

  2. Enter name: fsw

  3. Click Create

This realm will be later also used by Solution Designer to store the users and their roles.

Step 2: Create a Keycloak Client 'gitlab-client'

Note: {GITLAB_URI} refers to the URL, where GitLab will be available in your cluster.
  1. Navigate to the Configure → Clients page

  2. Click the Create button in the right upper corner of the table.

  3. Set the following parameters:

    • Client ID: gitlab-client

    • Client Protocol: openid-connect

    • Root URL: {GITLAB_URI}

  4. Create the client by clicking on Save

  5. In the client configuration page Clients → gitlab-client set the following parameters:

    • Access Type: confidential (Need to be set first)

    • Standard Flow Enabled: ON

    • Implicit Flow Enabled: ON

    • Direct Access Grants Enabled: ON

    • Service Accounts Enabled: ON

    • Authorization Enabled: ON

    • Valid Redirect URIs: {GITLAB_URI}/*

    • Web Origins: {GITLAB_URI}

    • Save the configuration by clicking on Save

  6. Navigate to the tab Mappers in the Clients → gitlab-client page

  7. Click the Builtin button in the right upper corner of the table.

  8. Select the following built-in token mappers of type User Property

    • email

    • username

    • given name

    • full name

    • family name

  9. Add selected mappers by clicking on Add selected

  10. Navigate to the tab Credentials in the Clients → gitlab-client page

  11. Save the secret (called below {KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET} ) that is used to create the gitlab-oauth2 secret.

Create the gitlab-oauth2 secret

The following steps show how to enable the OAuth authorization using Keycloak as identity provider:

  1. Define the configuration of the OAuth authorization and save it in an environment variable:
    • {KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET} refers to the Keycloak Client secret of step 2.

    • {KEYCLOAK_URI} refers to the Keycloak URL of project foundation in the cluster.

    • {KEYCLOAK_REALM} refers to the realm fsw of step 1.

    export OMNI_AUTH_CFG="name: 'oauth2_generic'
    app_id: 'gitlab-client'
    app_secret: '{KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET}'
          site: 'https://{KEYCLOAK_URI}'
          user_info_url: '/auth/realms/{KEYCLOAK_REALM}/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo'
          authorize_url: '/auth/realms/{KEYCLOAK_REALM}/protocol/openid-connect/auth'
          token_url: '/auth/realms/{KEYCLOAK_REALM}/protocol/openid-connect/token'
          id_path: 'sub'
            name: 'name'
            email: 'email'
            nickname: 'username'
            first_name: 'given_name'
            last_name: 'family_name'"
  2. Create a secret containing the omni-auth config. The secret must be named gitlab-oauth2 and should contain the key named provider with the previously created content.
    $ oc -n foundation-gitlab create secret generic \
    "gitlab-oauth2" --type="Opaque" \
    Note: The secret gitlab-oauth2 is configured in the Example configuration 'gitlab-values.yaml' ( global.appConfig.omniauth.providers.secret )

Create the gitlab-tls-secret secret

Create a secret containing the TLS settings. The files are referring to the certificate chain and the private key, that are used for SSL communication with the cluster. Commonly these are the same certificate settings as they are used for the default router certificate.
Note: The secret router-certs-{name} (where {name} is the name of the Ingress Controller) in the openshift-ingress namespace contains the default certificate generated by the operator. See User-provided certificates for default ingress.
# Export default router certificates from openshift-ingress namespace
$ oc get secret router-certs-default -n openshift-ingress -o yaml|grep -A2 '^data:'|tail -2 | awk -F: '{system("echo "$2" |base64 --decode > "$1)}'
# Create gitlab-tls-secret in namespace gitlab
$ oc -n foundation-gitlab create secret tls \
gitlab-tls-secret \
--cert=./tls.crt \
# Remove temporary created certificate files
rm ./tls.crt ./tls.key

Create Security Context Constraints

Create a SecurityContextConstraint (SCC) that allows you that these serviceaccounts can run as any user.

$ oc -n foundation-gitlab adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z default
$ oc -n foundation-gitlab adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z gitlab-shared-secrets
Note: The Security Context Constraint (SCC) anyuid for the service account default has negative effects on other Pods that require storage space, typically databases, resulting in insufficient permissions within the containers. Therefore, the separate project gitlab-foundation is used for the Gitlab installation.

Start the Helm chart installation

Note: The helm certificate and key files in the folder {cert_folder} that were created in section Install Helm Tiller with TLS are used to run the helm install command.

Run the helm install command and pass in the configuration file:

# To do - Replace placeholder {cert_folder}
$ export SECRET_FOLDER={cert_folder}
$ export HELM_TLS_CERT=$SECRET_FOLDER/cert.pem
$ export HELM_TLS_KEY=$SECRET_FOLDER/key.pem
$ helm upgrade --tls --install gitlab gitlab/gitlab \
  --timeout 600 \
  -f gitlab-values.yaml \
  --namespace foundation-gitlab \
  --tiller-namespace foundation-gitlab
Note: To test the helm chart you can use the options --dry-run --debug .

Now gitlab installation should start create a new release. The command returns immediately and does not wait until the app’s cluster objects are ready.

You can find the new gitlab release by running the ls command:

$ helm ls

Validate the Gitlab installation

Check on the status of the release by running the status command:

$ helm status gitlab --tls --tiller-namespace foundation-gitlab 

Wait until all cluster objects of this release are ready, and when it is ready, you can access Gitlab using the URL specified by {GITLAB_URI} in the sample configuration file gitlab-values.yaml, or by inspecting the route.

$ oc -n foundation get route

To login use the initial password of the root account. It was placed in a secret, that ends with -initial-root-password.

$ oc -n foundation-gitlab get secret gitlab-gitlab-initial-root-password -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d; echo


After following the outlined steps in this guideline you have installed and configured the third party components that are necessary for continuing the installation of IBM Financial Services Workbench.

Attention: Please note for a production ready setup these components require additional configuration regarding sizing, high availability and security. Please refer to the official component documentation for details.