Solution Hub

The Dashboard of the Solution Envoy displays the running status of the deployed Solutions, the Storages used and information regarding the messaging components and the underlying infrastructure. Currently two different overviews are accessible for an namespace:


The Project Overview displays the following information for each project of IBM Financial Services Workbench.

Property Description
Name Given name of the project displayed as a link to the project details.
Stage Given name of the stage during the initial creation.
Type Type of stage of the project; possible values are
  • DEV (for development purposes)
  • TEST (for testing purposes)
  • STAGE (e.g. for pre-production environments)
  • PROD (for production environments
Openshift Project related OpenShift Project displayed as a link to the OpenShift Developer Portal
Created by optional column to be displayed

Deployments overview

The Deployments Overview displays the following information for each of the solution deployed in the project. Per default the deployments will be shown in all states. This can be adjusted by using the Quick Filter of the table.

Property Description
Name Name of the deployed solution
Pods available Ready replicas / Replicas of the deployment
Status Status of the deployment; possible values are:
  • running
  • error
  • unknown
Type Type of the solution (Low Code Solution or Custom Implementation Solution)
Solution Dashboard Solution Acronym that links to the Envoy Dashboard of the solution.

optional column to be displayed

Description Additional information for the solution

optional column to be displayed

commit SHA The SHA fingerprint of the git commit (a unique identifier that allows to retrieve the exact code that was used to build the solution)

optional column to be displayed

Pipeline Run Link to the Pipeline Run that deployed the solution.
Timestamp Time when the solution has been deployed.

optional column to be displayed